The active mile daily track contractors is a school-wide initiative that encourages pupils to run or jog for 15 minutes each day in fresh air, with friends. Many primary schools across the UK have already implemented this exciting initiative, and some have even taken it further to become a Daily Mile Track Contractors.
Participants highlighted the facilities available as being a key factor for successful implementation. Those schools with access to an all-weather surface or safe grass area were viewed as being more suitable for the Daily Mile than those without. In some cases the route was reported to have changed due to the weather or construction work but this was not seen as a significant barrier to participation.
Maximizing Your Active Mile Daily Track: A Guide to Choosing the Right Contractors
Motivating colleagues to participate in the Daily Mile can be challenging and requires a variety of approaches. Identifying Daily Mile Workplace Champions and establishing team challenges (and displaying the results) can help raise awareness and extend reach, and using motivational tools like trackers or monthly challenge calendars is also a great way to keep involvement high. Also consider involving those staff working from home temporarily or permanently by including them in team challenges and goal setting.