All stair lifts should be fitted with the necessary safety features to provide the user with peace of mind and to minimize any risks. It is also recommended that the stair lift user follows all of the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and seeks professional advice if the equipment starts to show signs of wear and tear.
New build snagging survey are incredibly powerful pieces of equipment and can pose a risk to those who are not using them correctly. If a person were to fall out of the seat they could be seriously injured, this is why all stair lifts should come with a seat belt.
A Guide to Essential Stairlift Safety Features: Ensuring Peace of Mind
Similarly to the seats in cars, all stair lifts should have a seat belt, this prevents someone from falling out of the seat during transit and ensures that they are safely held by the chair when traveling up or down stairs.
It is also recommended that users fasten the belt once they are comfortable in the seat and hold it firmly in place to prevent any injuries.
Stairlifts also have a variety of other safety features that help to keep the ride smooth and safe, these include limit switches and obstruction sensors. These are located at the top and bottom of the stair lift track and will detect any obstructions in their path and shut down the power to prevent them from moving through anything that could cause injury or damage.